Protecting biodiversity to secure our future

We safeguard and enhance the variety of life on our peatlands to ensure the continued good health of all lifeforms.

Biodiversity is essential for life to thrive

Plants, animals and other lifeforms live together in communities called ecosystems. Biodiversity is a measure of the variety of lifeforms in an ecosystem; the greater the variety, the more likely all living things—including humans—will thrive.

Biodiversity plays a leading role in protecting our water, soil, food, climate, medicines and air.

Peatlands are home to thousands of unique species

The water-logged conditions in bogs are home to lots of species, including rare birds, plants and insects whose survival is at risk. Even the mosses that grow in peatlands form microhabitats, where unique, microscopic plant and animal life can survive. This microscopic life then becomes food for larger species.

Nurturing biodiversity through bog rehabilitation

We’re transforming cutaway bogs into wet woodlands, grasslands, reedbeds, fen and open water habitats. These rehabilitated landscapes help a wide variety of species to live, feed and breed.

More about peatland rehabilitation

The conservation of biodiversity is essential to the continued survival of human beings on Earth.

900 +
Over 900 species have been recorded on our boglands, including those of conservation interest such as the whooper swan, red grouse, lapwing and hen harrier.
25 +
Plant communities
Over 25 plant communities have been recorded on cutaway bogs to date, and as many recorded on fringe areas surrounding the bogs.

Our Biodiversity Action Plan places conservation at the core of our operations.